Device Compatibility
Minimum requirements to download the app
Last updated
Minimum requirements to download the app
Last updated
To use the app, please ensure that your device, browser and/or OS are compatible.
If you can't download the app or if you are having issues accessing the app, check that your device and operating system are compatible.
Use these links to check if your browser or device need to be updated: Update Chrome | Update Firefox | Update Internet Explorer | Update Android | Update iOS
Latest browser versions. To find the latest versions, see here:
If your device is incompatible, install Google Chrome on your device and use the web app instead.
System Requirements
Apple iOS Devices
iOS 15 and above
Android Devices
Android 11 Red Velvet Cake and above
Web Browsers
Latest versions of Chrome / Firefox / Edge / Safari
Hardware Requirements
Memory (RAM)
512MB and above
Device/Harddrive Storage
2GB storage with at least 200MB available storage